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Monday, May 14, 2012

Mini-Dog Rescue

Preparing to leave home for work late this morning, I was surprised to notice Sassy the Chihuahua (from two houses down) lurking around the garbage cans in the alley behind my house. I thought: "What is she doing outside her own back yard?"

Sassy looked worried, and cowered a bit. Her nose was dry. I tried to slip Sassy under the back gate of her own yard, but the fit was too tight. Usually, when the son goes to work, the back gate gets opened every morning around 5 a.m. Sassy must have escaped, or been locked out, at that time, and been wandering the alley ever since.

I roused the grandmother in the house. In a few minutes, she went out her front door, walked around the block to the back alley, and called for Sassy.

Sassy cowered at first upon seeing her master. Sassy knows she was breaking a rule by being in the alley. But when the grandmother kindly scooped Sassy up in her arms and cooed to her in Spanish, the relief got the better of Sassy, and the little dog cried.

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