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Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Lock Yer Doors

Last night, about 12:30 a.m., I had just finished watering the grass on the front bank in front of my house, when I heard a repetitive clunking sound coming from up the street. I retreated to my porch and watched a fellow with black hair and a white T-Shirt (with a black square on the back) rapidly and systematically walk down the street and try to open a door on every parked car. Down the street, the fellow got lucky, and found an unlocked vehicle. He opened the passenger door of the Jeep 4x4, quickly plundered the glove compartment, and moved on.

I called the cops, but didn't expect a visit. Nevertheless, things likely being slow on a Monday evening, two police cars did indeed come. They asked about race (all I could say was 'not black') and checked out the vehicle. Then they took off, to see if they could find the malefactor.

I was surprised that someone with so much visible personal material in the passenger compartment (stuffed with camping equipment) would leave their vehicle unlocked. I was also surprised that the malefactor would be so brazen as to continue trying to open doors, when I knew he saw me, and could clearly see me watching him. Maybe my watchfulness prevented even more plundering of the vehicle!

In any event, lock yer doors. You don't know who is out there!

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