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Friday, April 27, 2012

Yanking On The Possum's Chain

Yesterday evening, I cleaned out Bailey the Bunny's corner of the garage, and left the newspapers in a black garbage sack near the air conditioning unit. There was no food in last night's sack, but the last time I did this, there was also a discarded pastry present in the sack. I also left the sack in the same place, and that was eventually rifled by the local neighborhood possum.

Heading to the emergency room last night, I noticed the bag had been rifled. Did I condition that opportunistic marsupial to expect food there? Sure enough, there was the possum, frantically trying to scramble over the ivy-covered fence, and escape. I made a big noise - something like fe-fi-fo-fum - and the possum panicked and fell back into the yard. The possum played dead somewhere under the ivy leaves.

I went to check on the bunny at the end of the yard. He was fine: he doesn't associate with play-acting marsupials.

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