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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Worried About This Embedding Thing

I don't know how seriously to worry about this thing, but it has the potential to completely-unhinge how bloggers work:
At Ars Technica, Tim Lee has the report on a disturbing lawsuit, now joined by the Motion Picture Association of America, which would make simply embedding videos—not hosting them—a copyright infringement. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals is considering appeals by Google, Facebook, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Public Knowledge of a decision made by a federal judge last year that it is "possible to directly infringe copyright by embedding an image or video hosted by a third party."
Of course, I embed videos on this blog almost every day, many of which I have no clue regarding their copyright status.

If they are after monetization efforts, why don't they go after those? (That's among the reasons I never monetize anything on this blog - money just causes troubles.) But if they go after embedding, then it's off to Gitmo with everyone, I suppose! But they'll have to drag me there the entire way. I won't give up readily!

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