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Thursday, April 05, 2012

Whither Goest Thou, O Possum?

On the weekend, I put an assortment of water-heater-related garbage, including food items, into a garbage sack, and left it by the door to the garage.

Monday night, I came down the back porch steps to find a possum raiding the garbage bag. The possum looked up at me with loathing, and began turning in a tight circle, trying to decide whether to retreat into the garage, or flee into the yard. I hunched up my shoulders, extended my arms as if casting a spell, and hissed loudly. The possum retreated into the garage.

I went back upstairs to bring down food for Bailey The Rabbit. Bailey was hunkered down at the end of the yard, sheltered from the rain and as far from the possum action as he could get. His whole demeanor suggested he was trying to disappear from existence.

I went back upstairs and came downstairs again several times, retrieving groceries from the car. Every time, the possum was making a break for it, trying to flee from the garage. Repulsed by my grim visage, every time, the possum halted and retreated back into the garage. Finally, I left the possum alone to make its craven departure.

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