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Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Twin Twisters In The Dallas/Ft. Worth Area

Gabe heard about twin tornadoes touching down in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, and wondered about my opinion about it. The reason he asked was because he heard stories about how apoplectic I got several years ago when watching twin tornadoes collide and merge over Los Angeles in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow".

Irritated already at the people behind us for talking, the panoramic visual stupidity on display sent me over the edge. I stood up and chastised the chatterers behind us, then to the amazement of my friends, vented towards the screen about this mentally-retarded, sad sack of a movie.

You see, if tornadoes get close enough to merge, they would first start rotating around a common center: whirling vortices, if you will. Any meteorologist knows that. Hell, any 10-year-old child knows that! The only people who don't know that are people in Hollywood with vast budgets allocated for bringing computer-animated stupidity to you, 24/7, over any, and every, available media platform (for a fee, of course). They just had the twisters collide, like really dumb spinning figure skaters at the Olympics!

I wish my best to the traumatized folks in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, and hope they are well this evening. My only requirement is, if their twin twisters merge, that it be done in a meteorologically-appropriate way.

That is all.

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