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Friday, April 27, 2012

One-Upmanship In The Emergency Room

It's been 18 years since I came to Mercy General Hospital. I come here far too often!

J. came in because of a medication side effect, after being clobbered by a pickup truck while walking along a sidewalk earlier this week. At one a.m. this morning, I went down to pick her up.

They buzzed me into the emergency room proper, where I was soon surrounded by the injured and the sick. I found myself engaged in a rather surreal conversation with a former clown with heart issues. J. is a former clown too, so the subject was pertinent. The former clown discussed once being in a delegation of American clowns that went to the UK. He had appearances with Red Skelton too. He also discussed the importance of gentleness, particularly with shy children (which reminds me of A.'s story: as a young kid she was stalked and frightened by a clown, and fears them to this day.)

The two of us were soon engaged in a game of one-upmanship, discussing the issue of modern slavery. The former clown brought up the enslavement of certain Americans in Kuwait after the First Gulf War, but I had newer information regarding the enslavement of Britons, and their transport to Scandanavia, in order to pave driveways there for Nordic cheapskates.

The former clown upped the ante and discussed having been struck by a convertible during San Francisco's St. Patrick's Day Parade some years back and tossed over the windshield into the passenger compartment, where he landed upright on the seat. He coolly waved to the crowd, as if it was all planned. The moment was caught and broadcast by local TV. I had nothing similar to share, though, so I suppose he won that game.

In the lobby, preparing to leave, J. soon found herself comparing injuries with a new arrival who had just slipped on a wet floor. The emergency room lobby can be a sociable place, provided the injuries aren't so severe they inhibit conversation. Just right to swap relevant information regarding injury law!

Sacramento can be a dangerous place! Caveat Sacramento!

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