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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Hands Hurt

It looks like Tyehimba is moving his typical, weekly African Drumming session (which is distinct from the Saturday class) from Friday to Monday, so even though I was battered and beat after Pepper's Monday evening's Cardio Step class (still not fully-recovered from my cold), I found myself back at the Step One health studio at 9 p.m. last night for an hour and a half of Djembe drill. Bass, tone-tone, slap; Bass, tone, tone, slap. Endless! And it doesn't even sound right, either. Can't get the hang of the slap....

They lent me a Djembe to practice on this week. My poor neighbors! (Serves them right!)

The replacement drum rings just arrived downstairs here at work. Weather's warming up. Soon, time to put the goat skin on my own Djembe, so I can return the practice Djembe to Tyehimba, and annoy the neighbors every night!

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