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Monday, April 02, 2012

Lovely Spring Sunday

Beautiful day! I spent the afternoon cleaning stuff, particularly outside.

Some of the stuff outside didn't particularly need cleaning. Because the winter had been so dry, I had been able to be particularly thorough with cleaning back in November and December, and things were only slightly out-of-order now, but that wasn't the point. The point was, to be outside!

The Japanese-Maple-type tree on the left, with the red leaves, has leafed out now (the blossoms had been excruciatingly-beautiful a few weeks ago), but the eucalyptus on the right seems dead-ish, or dead-like. I hope it's just a bit early for the eucalyptus. I wouldn't want to be in the position of having to tape leaves to the branches this summer, in order to give the facsimile of life to dead wood.

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