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Friday, April 13, 2012

Looking Like It's Time To Migrate

Since I started my blog in October, 2002, I haven't changed that much with it. I stuck with Blogger, and kept the old Blogger template, even as the rest of the blogging world slowly transformed and changed almost beyond recognition. This blog began before Facebook came into existence, for chrissakes!

These days, my blog is quite antiquated by Internet standards, and I sort-of liked that. I like old things. I had been been unhappy about the way the blog was rendered on different (newer) browsers, however, and thought maybe I should upgrade to Wordpress, and even got some tips from Margaret Andrews about how to do all that, but there are few things I hate to do more than learn new things, so hesitated.

Nevertheless, the time approaches. Now, it looks like the JS-Kit (formerly Echo) commenting system will COMPLETELY VANISH on October 1, 2012. All comments will evaporate, unless I do something about it. Bastardos! It's looking more and more like it's THE TIME all the time! So, over the next 5.5 months (and sooner, hopefully) I will saddle up Bailey the Rabbit and make the transition into the future (or at least into the present)....

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