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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Third Weekend Of "Damn Yankees"

Third weekend was fun. Friday night began ominously, with an apparent failure of the amplifier allowing the on-stage speakers to function. Without those speakers, it would be very hard for the cast to hear the orchestra well enough to perform. Steve converted the downstage right corner into a tangle of electrical spaghetti in an attempt to find a solution. The show was delayed 15 minutes. Without vocal and dance warm up, performances suffered. But at least complete amplifier failure was delayed until Saturday morning, allowing Steve enough time to purchase and install a new amplifier before Willy Wonka on Saturday afternoon.

I really liked the way Bryan stepped forward to continue the dialogue when Scott blanked on his 'Smokey' line early in the show on Saturday. Fast thinking, and clean enough that I don't think the audience noticed.

Sunday was a good show!

One more weekend left!

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