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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pride Goes Before A Fall - Rick Santorum's Example

So, how did that high-and-mighty Anglo angle work for ya?:
Rick Santorum, trying to deny Mitt Romney a clean sweep of Puerto Rico's 20 delegates, spent several critical days in the island campaigning, rather than focusing on the big Illinois contest on Tuesday. Given his lack of cash, earned free media is particularly important in the face of the Romney cash juggernaut.

Yet if you're going to campaign somewhere, how about you don't go tell potential voters they are losers for wanting to speak Spanish? The result was predictable, and certainly hilarious:

With about 60 percent of the ballots counted, Romney had about 83 percent of the vote, according to Puerto Rico's electoral commission. Rick Santorum was in second place with just under 8 percent.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I bet he wishes he'd camped out in downstate Illinois instead, or at least kept his stupid mouth shut.

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