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Friday, March 02, 2012

The Parking Lot Is A Dog Track?

A mystery.

Last night, I went out to the driveway to retrieve my 'Damn Yankees' script from my car, and a white sedan in the parking lot behind my house caught my attention. The vehicle raced to the end of the parking lot and stopped abruptly. Then, the vehicle idled.

After awhile, I noticed there was a dog loping around the vehicle. Sometimes the car's headlights would catch the dog. It appeared to be some kind of racing-type dog: like a greyhound.

After idling for ten minutes, the white sedan roared off with the greyhound-type dog in hot pursuit. They pulled onto a public street before I lost sight of them. I jumped into my car and tried to pursue, but they vanished (I didn't pursue too long - I wasn't carrying my driver's license). I called the police, but since I didn't have the dog at the house and there wasn't (yet) any animal control issue, or a specific crime to address, they didn't respond.

Either these folks love their dog and were exercising it, or they hate their dog and were abandoning it. I wasn't sure which.

In retrospect, they were probably just exercising their dog. Greyhounds love to run! But it was all quite strange....

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