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Friday, March 16, 2012

It's The Speed Limit. It's The Law. No Exceptions!

The original experiment was DOA the instant they did it:
Einstein’s theory of relativity is standing stronger than ever in the wake of the results of a new experiment out of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), which found that particles that scientists initially thought were traveling faster than the speed of light were actually moving more slowly.

Back in September 2011, CERN scientists shocked the world by announcing that one of the agency’s particle physics experiments, called OPERA, had detected neutrinos, a type of weakly charged particle, traveling 60 billionths of a second faster than the speed of light through a 454 mile-long underground tunnel connecting a lab near Geneva, Switzerland to one near Assergi, Italy.

...But after re-measuring the speed of the neutrinos in a different experiment called ICARUS, CERN on Friday announced that the neutrinos were actually moving equal to the speed of light and the original paradigm-shattering results were most likely due to a measuring error.

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