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Monday, March 12, 2012

Comparing Northern Indiana And Central California Weather

Jerry writes about the warm weather in Mishawaka, IN:
We just hit 69F -- the normal high is 45. The forecast high for Wednesday is 77. That's late May/early June weather!

Fruit-tree growers are worried, because the trees are budding much earlier than usual; if we get a hard freeze, that could be curtains for this year's crop!
I reply:
We hit 71 degrees on the 8th, but that’s just one degree above normal for Sacramento. Temperatures are dropping as the big Pacific storm approaches. It’s supposed to rain most of the week. One can only hope.

People have been saying trees are budding earlier than normal here too, but I think they may either be suffering from faulty memories, or they are outside more in the drier weather and just take note of more budding. The tree outside my back door flowered on February 5th this year, exactly the same date as last year.

Rainfall is 38% of normal for the season. Only catastrophic inundation can save us now!

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