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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chongo, The Homeless Science Writer

The homeless man was passing out a Street Press newspaper for a dollar, and so, inveterate (I almost said invertebrate) consumer of news that I am, I purchased one.

Inside was a column by the homeless science writer, Chongo:
Why learn theoretical physics? The answer is simple. If you can learn something that, with certainty, can make you significantly "smarter" – which means having a more accurate understanding of nature, or of anything in it – in any endeavor you may pursue, taking only a month or two (or maybe four or five for really grasping the concepts) to learn what people have traditionally spent years of labor and study to understand, then you would be very "wise" to do so, if presented the rare opportunity. In other words, the reason one should learn theoretical physics is because, quite simply, for the first time in human history, it is possible to do so without spending years in the pursuit. The website chongonation.com provides that opportunity – for ANYONE – both the formally educated and those who are not, regardless (although it should be emphasized that chongonation.com is most of all trying to provide opportunity to those individuals whom would ordinarily be the most removed from that opportunity: the poor).
With his big-wall climbing and highlining, he certainly looks eccentric, but from a scientific point of view, he looks potentially helpful: able to reach audiences unaccustomed to science. We were all familiar with Chongo's general type in school: interested in physics from a more-conceptual vantage point, but able to do the math too.

A physicist doesn't really need a brick-and-mortar home: the Universe alone will serve.

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