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Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Alaskan Profile In Courage

Weather vane tries to react fast enough to the howling gales of the Far North regarding last week's Blunt Amendment:
Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski told an Anchorage Daily News editorial writer over the weekend that she voted for the amendment in order to make a statement about religious freedom. But now, after facing backlash from the moderate voters who put her in office, she wishes she would have broken with her party's leaders and voted with Democrats against the effort.

When asked if, given a do-over, she'd support the amendment a second time, Murkowski told her hometown paper that she wouldn't. "I have never had a vote I’ve taken where I have felt that I let down more people that believed in me," she said.

...As the Daily News points out in the editorial, it's hard to see how Murkowski, a Catholic who presents herself as pro-choice and as a supporter of contraception coverage, could have missed the broader context of the Blunt Amendment when making her vote.

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