I was excited when I first heard Turtle was going to be the lead of "The Wedding Singer" (Turtle's first lead role), but also a little bit worried. What would the impact be on the Grey Matter in my skull?
Let me explain.
Feeling invincible and rambunctious at DMTC's Rehearsal Space for his first show with the group ("Carousel", in 2002), Turtle declared he could flip me over his back. We stood back-to-back, and linked arms. Turtle bent forward, and I leaped upwards, and I tried to flip completely over his back, but it didn't work. Because I didn't tuck properly (probably because my beer belly got in the way), I got stranded on his back. Turtle staggered around on the concrete floor, on the verge of toppling and dropping me on my skull, as I waved my legs in the air and tried to provide helpful exit suggestions.
So, whenever I witness Turtle doing something new, I wonder (metaphorically speaking) whether Turtle will drop me on my skull.
I was really pleased how well Turtle did as a lead player. He's experienced and edgy and funny and he sings so well. What a great job!

The strong performances made the show for me. Jennifer Schmeltzer as Linda was the strongest performer overall, but the others were good as well: Caitland Martin as Julia, Cassie March as Holly, Joseph Boyette as George, and Erik Catalan as Sammy.
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