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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

RIP, Pauline Wittert

Alas, time moves on, and distant relatives become even more distant.

I received word from Robert Wittert regarding the passing of his mother Pauline:
Dear Mr Valdez,
I am Robert, Pauline's youngest son. I was able to find you through a search after seeing the return address on the holiday card you has sent my mother.
Unfortunately my mother has passed away on 2-1-12, and our family wanted you to be aware of this. We will be holding a memorial service for her in the Chicago area on 3-3-12. If you would like to attend we would be honored to have you there and can provide the details.
I am sorry to break this news to you this way as I didn't have a phone # for you and felt you would have wanted to know.
Robert Wittert
Dear Robert:

Thank you for informing me about Pauline’s passing. My condolences to you and your family.

Every few years I make sporadic genealogical efforts. Pauline was a distant cousin - my Aunt Jean’s first daughter - which makes you a distant cousin as well (my mother was Marjorie Buzzell – the youngest of her family).

Pauline was a sweet heart, so I made sure to send a Christmas card every year.

I met your parents, Phil and Pauline, just once, at a memorial service in Mesa, AZ, for my uncle Marcus Buzzell, on April 9, 2006. I have a few photos of that trip at the bottom of this page.

I won’t be able to attend Pauline’s memorial service on March 3rd (I have a theatrical commitment – I’m stage manager on the date for ‘Damn Yankees’ at Davis Musical Theatre Company). That will be a nice celebration of her life, I’m sure!

I will make a mention of her passing on my blog, in order to alert my sisters, and others who might have known her.

Thank you, once again, and the best to your family!

Marc Valdez

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