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Monday, February 27, 2012

Obama's Correct To Apologize On Behalf Of The U.S.

There is nothing wrong in the U.S. apologizing for mistakes in burning Korans, or for any actions that trample on religious sensibilities. Nevertheless, both Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich seem to think such apologies are inappropriate. We burn their Korans, and they are supposed to apologize to us? Please!

It's important to remember that Muslim populations are very sensitive to these sorts of slights, and riots over exactly these kinds of issues have happened many, many times in the immediate past. American soldiers will die if the violence does not stop, and the violence will not stop as long as Americans refuse to apologize for religious slights. Santorum and Gingrich are dangerously-stupid in their bigotry; in their zealous hatred of Muslims and their religious beliefs. Santorum and Gingrich help get American soldiers killed. God save the United States of America if they actually get any real power.

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