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Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Is The GOP Really Ready To Go After Contraception?

I hope the answer is yes. Maybe the Komen fight is just the beginning of a massive hemorrhage of support from the GOP. This business of religious freedom and payments for contraception can probably be settled with a suitable compromise - render under Caesar only that which is Caesar's - but it might provoke an overreaction from the anti-contraceptive right wing:
“For the last number of years, we in the pro-choice community in general — and we specifically as Republicans — have been saying as this pandering to a sort of social conservative faction of voters continues, you’re going to see the line pushed further and further and further,” she said. “And we’re now crossing the line from discussion of when we should regulate abortion to when we should now regulate legal doctor-prescribed medications like birth control, which is woven in the fabric of society as an acceptable medication.”

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