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Friday, February 03, 2012

Conspiracy Theories About 'Fast And Furious' Not Paranoid Enough For Me

I'm getting tired of paranoid conservative theories about gun control plots festering within the Obama Administration: they are just too bone-headed simple:
“You know what the Republicans just did? They sold out every mother’s son who put their life and career on the line to try to bring this truth out,” Vanderboegh told TPM. “Another display like this and people will forget the whole thing.”

So why did Republicans, at least as far as Vanderboegh is concerned, back off? He suggested it could be as simple as the FBI blackmailing the speaker of the House.

“I submit to you that it is entirely possible that the fix is in,” Vanderboegh told TPM. “It could be as simple as a picture of something like John Boehner with a sheep, you know. Because they’ve done that before. The FBI blackmails people routinely. They always have.”
If only! No, the game is much more complicated than that, and not nearly paranoid enough.

Basically, the Obama Administration is arming the Sinaloa Cartel, in order to contain the power of Los Zetas, whereas the GOP (through its NRA affiliates) is doing the opposite, because of the money-making possibilities. If it appears Boehner is backing off a bit, it's probably just a tactical retreat. The ultimate game is control of United States armed forces in the Southwest - Border Patrol, Army, Air Force, Navy - in order to facilitate the movement of both arms and drugs between the two countries. U.S. control of the border is more fragile than it appears, and susceptible to corruption at every level, including (and probably especially) Capitol Hill.

There are many angles to the game, and nearly an infinite variety of ways of selling out. Conservative bloggers just don't have the imagination necessary to see all the working parts. If they were working the UFO angle, they'd imagine all aliens had to come from Mars, without even giving Venus its due.

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