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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Word From The "Breaking Bad" Pilgrimage

The E-Mail exchange started simply:
Do you know when season 5 starts filming?
I replied:
I read somewhere (and I need to track down the reference) that the writers reconvene in November 2011, filming starts anew in March 2012, and that Episode 1 of Season 5 gets aired in July 2012.
He replied:
Well thanks for the reply. That kinda sucks that I am in ABQ from Australia visiting right now and there is no filming. I read somewhere of a woman who came across a suburban street at night LAST January around this time of the month, and saw Cranston doing a scene outdoors. Awesome for her.

But you, you my friend, have given me what I need to put in my GPS to get to see some of the sites. I will tomorrow go to the Twisters, the White house, and the car wash, and Pinkman's house.

Do not think you putting those photos up was for nothing. There are people from all over the world making the ABQ pilgimage. So thank you.

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