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Thursday, January 12, 2012

We Print The Truth; We Print The Lies; We Print The Truth; We Print The Lies

And this is why I no longer read the Sunday NY Times! After Wen Ho Lee and Judith Miller and the Plame controversy, ad infinitum, you'd be a fool to believe the NY Times about anything, even about simple matters like the weather, without some kind of independent corraboration:

Should the New York Times — America’s “newspaper of record” — print the truth? That is the question posed by the paper’s “public editor,” in a very funny blog post today.

Public editor Arthur Brisbane would like to know if it is professionally appropriate for an objective journalist to “take sides” by noting that someone lied. When you read the newspaper, would you like it to contain “facts”?

I’m looking for reader input on whether and when New York Times news reporters should challenge “facts” that are asserted by newsmakers they write about.

The New York Times in particular is under constant assault by very powerful interests who do not want the truth to be printed. If someone at the New York Times doesn't take at least some minimal interest in getting facts straight and calling a lie "a lie" then there is absolutely no reason to bother reading it.

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