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Friday, January 06, 2012

Today Is New Mexico's Centennial!

Happy Birthday New Mexico!

Gabe sends this from his Library Listserv:
I was planning to send you a “Happy Birthday, New Mexico!” message earlier this morning after I read about that milestone on the Smithsonian Libraries website. IMHO, President William Howard Taft deserves credit for three great achievements – signing into law the 1912 Post Office Appropriation Act that provided funding for road improvements and therefore paved the way for a greater federal role in that area; becoming the first president to throw a ceremonial “first pitch” at a major league baseball game (in 1910 here in DC); and – drum roll, please – signing the proclamation that made the territory of New Mexico our 47th state. And, with due respect to Maryland’s Baltimore Oriole, New Mexico has the most awesome state bird of them all – the world-famous roadrunner!

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