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Sunday, January 08, 2012

Intruder Wannabe

Last night about 3 a.m. I heard noises out in the driveway/parking lot/garbage can area behind my house, so I looked out the window. There was a man dressed like a crossing guard busily trying to enter several of the cars parked out there.

Normally, I would have opened the window right away and yelled at him, but I'm a bit leery of doing that these days. Last spring, in the middle of the night, I saw someone trying to enter my car, so I started yelling at the top of my lungs. Trouble was, I was sleepwalking. When I finally roused I realized I was yelling at an empty driveway: there was no intruder there, but I was yelling at the top of my lungs and maybe alarming the neighbors. Embarrassing!

So, I watched last night's stranger for at least a minute before finally starting to open the window. The stranger heard me open the window, and sauntered off as if he was just passing by.

In the morning, I noticed that the crossbar on the outside of my garage was loose. The stranger had tried to open my garage in the middle of the night. Even though there is no lock per se on the door, there is a crossbar on the inside of the door which can only be reached by running an obstacle course through the garage. It's enough to deter opportunists.

Hopefully the stranger won't return.

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