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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gary Johnson Says Repeal The Patriot Act

It would be interesting to know what the most-common real-world effects of the Patriot Act have been. Unfortunately, such knowledge would likely require solitary confinement, with occasional waterboarding:
Former New Mexico governor and Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson called for the Patriot Act to be repealed Sunday night during a national American Civil Liberties Union conference.

...“Ten years ago, we learned that the fastest way to pass a bad law is to call it the ‘Patriot Act’ and force Congress to vote on it in the immediate wake of a horrible attack on the United States,” Johnson said. “The irony is that there is really very little about the Patriot Act that is patriotic. Instead, it has turned out to be yet another tool the government is using to erode privacy, individual freedom and the Constitution itself.”

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