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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Who Is This George Jetson?

The airport bus can be interesting. One fellow entered the bus and theatrically unbuckled and rebuckled his belt, and raised his arms to slowly smell his armpits (whew!). Then he placed his palm against his face and head and repeatedly struck the back of his hand. Theatrical abuse of his own face! Then he pretended his head was a cinder block and made as if to rotate it around and around. I couldn't quite catch everything he was muttering. Something about 'Steve Austin, Six Million Dollar Man', and 'I'm here Scotty'. But I did like it when he said 'Who is this George Jetson?'

At the airport, a man tried to hurry with his rolling carry-on suitcase to make the bus, tipped the suitcase in his haste, tripped over the edge of the suitcase, and pancaked face first on the pavement. He made the bus but lost dignity in the process.

At the security checkpoint, the fellow next to me in line presented an expired driver's license from 2007 for identification. I don't know how that all worked out.

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