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Friday, December 16, 2011

FOX News And I Agree....

Channel surfing at 2 a.m., I ended up watching Brett Baier and his crew discuss the upcoming Iowa Caucuses. Interestingly, everyone agreed, including myself, that Ron Paul might win!

Salon had an interesting article regarding the similarities between's Paul's role in the 2012 GOP campaign, and Jesse Jackson's role in the 1988 Democratic campaign:
Jonathan Bernstein first made the Paul/Jackson comparison last week, and there’s a lot to it. Like Paul, Jackson was a repeat candidate who enjoyed much wider support in his second bid. He was also seen as a niche candidate and was persona non grata to most Democratic leaders, who saw his far-left views (particularly on foreign policy), penchant for controversy (“Hymietown“), and ties to black urban politics as potentially damaging to their party. And, just like Paul, his unfavorable poll scores among his own party’s voters tended to be much higher than those of his opponents.

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