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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

E. Explains Christmas

E.: MMMMAAAARRRCCCC! Once, when I was working at the school, a kid came up to me and said he was born on December 24th at five minutes until midnight. He said his mother was keeping track, and it was just before midnight.

M.: Oh...

E.: And I said: "That is impossible! Only our Lord Jesus Christ could be born on December 24th!" So I looked his name up on the computer and found his record (which we have to be careful about leaving on the screen - I was criticized by the principal, because the other kids are so nosy - do you know what I mean?), and, sure enough, he was born on December 24th!

M.: He must be our Lord Jesus Christ.

E.: Jesus was born on Christmas Day, but the Jewish people don't believe in it. My friend M. is Catholic, but her husband E. is Jewish - you know them! - and so when Christmas comes around, he tells her: "There's your thing!" And so the kids get two Christmases! He calls it 'Hannukkah'.

M.: Fun!

E.: The Jewish people were longing for a Savior - what they call a Messiah - and they were L-O-N-G-I-N-G for a Messiah, and Jesus came along and said "I'm the Messiah!" But the Jewish people didn't believe it, and so they put rocks on him.

M.: Terrible!

E.: But then they had the Resurrection, which we celebrate at Easter Sunday. And on Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent, we go to the Church - well, I don't always go to the Church, but we Catholics, we are all supposed to go to the Church - and (illustrating) they make a cross on the forehead with ashes, and they say: "From dust you came, and to dust you shall return." Isn't that nice?

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