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Monday, December 19, 2011

Christopher Hitchens Gets To Wrassle With Both Dinosaur Jesus And Dinosaur Orwell At The Same Time

Christopher Hitchens is in for a big surprise, according to Bill Bennett:
Only hours after noted author Christopher Hitchens died of cancer, several of his famous Christian friends were declaring that the atheist would finally know that God is real.

“He was left, I was right, but we had great debates, great drinking bouts,” conservative radio host Bill Bennett said on CBS Thursday. “And I hope as the big atheist that he was, he’s in for a big surprise.”
Apparently Bennett is thinking something along the lines of:

But I think it'll actually be along the lines of:

In his writings, Christopher Hitchens tried his best to exploit George Orwell in support of George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq, but in the end, George Orwell wins out, as the voice of truth always does. The invasion of Iraq was the antithesis of everything Orwell believed in, and should have been the antithesis of everything Hitchens believed in too, if Hitchens wasn't such a damned sell-out.

With any luck in the afterlife, Hitchens will have to cope with Dinosaur Jesus and Dinosaur Orwell at the same time. Kind of like Tokyo trying to cope with both Godzilla and Mothra at the same time. Serves the bastard right!

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