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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Things I Want To See On YouTube That Just Aren't There

Last year, I saw this wonderful work-related video of a machine in a blasted-looking, cratered dump near Fairbanks, Alaska whose sole task is to destroy old wood stoves and rip them into tiny pieces.

Old wood stoves in Fairbanks that smoke too much are being replaced by newer, tonier models, but that means the old wood stoves collected at the dump have to be converted into scrap metal for recycling. This machine was built for that purpose.

Because it was a work-related video, I couldn't get anyone here interested in posting it on YouTube, so I'm hoping, via the Internet, that I can convince someone in Fairbanks, AK to go down to the dump with a video camera and capture the machine in action. It was a noisy, smelly, spinning, clawing science-fiction-monster-like machine - Dr. Seuss meets The Terminator meets H.G. Wells' 'War of the Worlds' - and it spells doom to wood stoves.

I like machines whose sole task is to rip things apart!

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