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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

They Are Everywhere

I like Google. It refers people to my Weblog, where I can serve as an all-seeing oracle, dispensing all sorts of advice, good and bad.

Today, my Weblog referrer's log alerts me that someone in LA wants to know "locations of Mexicans."

That is a hard question. Some of them are no doubt located in Mexico, but some aren't. I was watching the Mexicans last week, but I slacked off over the weekend, forgot to shut the gate, and they all slipped away. Who knows where they are this week? Especially in LA, where it's hard just to establish where the freeways are, much less all the Mexicans. They could be anywhere, and everywhere!

OK, all you Mexicans, send me your Google Earth waypoints, stat, so we can help this poor person out!

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