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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Joe The Plumber Divests Himself Of His Material Goods

With his honor questioned, and his finances in disrepair, Joe the Plumber is divesting himself of many of his belongings: specifically, those goods in his storage unit underneath the WX portion of Highway 50 just south of downtown.

Closing the storage unit is Joe's first goal, but since I'm his friend, I'm offering to hold and store many of his belongings until such time as he needs them again. But that meant I had to get my act in gear and start cleaning up the basement and garage. And that meant finally facing the boxes of DMTC programs in the basement.

As DMTC Theatrical Historian, my approach to storing DMTC materials has been fairly simple: save everything I can get my hands on! But there comes a price for such an approach, and I was beginning to pay it.

For example, I had an entire box of "Annie Get Your Gun" 2007 programs. That's about 500 programs. Why save 500 programs when saving 150 would do? That's still probably enough to meet the rampaging demand for such programs.

So, in short order, by tossing out gross excess from several shows, I was able to make some space for Joe's belongings, with no real impact on my historical duties.

Today, I feel like I have a cold from the respiratory impact of all the dust (including fiberglass dust) I raised by mucking about in so many boxes (I'm going to have to vacuum that area next). Over the next few days, we'll start moving the goods in.

Then, after Joe's affairs are finally settled, the grim wait to see what Joe does next....

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