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Friday, November 25, 2011

DMTC Master Cast List, Version 2.0

Several years ago, as Davis Musical Theatre Company (DMTC) Historian, I compiled a Master Cast List for DMTC in an Excel spreadsheet.

Tonight, I completed an update (Version 2.0) to that Master Cast List. That list will be provided to DMTC Producer Steve Isaacson, who hopes to make it available, to all, as a database accessible online from the DMTC Web Site. The list represents all regular-season DMTC Main Stage and Young Performers’ shows (but not yet irregular shows, such as Summer Workshops, Teen Cabarets, etc.), and is 99% complete (there are a few missing programs from the 90’s).

Nevertheless, I would like to gauge the interest people might have in receiving a copy of their own, as an Excel spreadsheet. I need to complete a write-up describing the list, so I’m still a few days from making it available.

The Master Cast List (Excel spreadsheet size = 8,345 KB) contains 18,600 lines, representing the efforts of 3,785 people in 270 shows spanning 27 seasons, from June, 1984 to November, 2011. That is actually a surprisingly-small number of people: only 14 new people, on average, are introduced to the theater per show, indicating how many people return again and again to DMTC, and thus just how much fun it is doing community theater shows.

Let me know, in comments, if you are interested in receiving your own list, and I will get back in touch. Then, once I make it available, I can start on Version 3.0 of the Master Cast List, which will contain irregular shows, such as Summer Workshops, Teen Cabarets, etc.

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