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Sunday, November 06, 2011

Book Recommendation From A Nine-Year-Old

I've been a little sensitive to what kids tell me about the books they are reading ever since a rather bookish girl with glasses, one of the Indians in DMTC's 2001 production of "Peter Pan", told me about the book she was reading: a book I had never heard of, called "Harry Potter". Enthusiasms for books usually start first among schoolkids, so, in order to avoid being blindsided, it's important to pay heed to what they think is important.

Tonight, I asked a nine-year-old about what he is reading. Slowly at first, then with building excitement, he described what he likes. His attention is on Erin Hunter's "Warriors" series of books regarding cat clans in the forest:
ThunderClan is a mainly peaceful Clan, respectful of the other Clans as well. In battle, ThunderClan is fierce, courageous, and loyal. ThunderClan cats are typically known for questioning and breaking the warrior code (usually for the Clan's own good). They normally take in loners and kittypets into their Clan to either to swell their ranks or because the cat is in need of help or shelter. For this, they are at times looked down upon by other Clans and thought of as weak. The Clan's main prey are mice, voles, squirrels, shrews, and the occasional rabbit, as well as birds such as starlings, magpies, wood pigeons, sparrows, and thrushes. They have excellent stalking techniques, creeping across the forest floor. They have the sense to keep upwind of their prey in the thick bushes. ThunderClan cats are noted to be especially strong.

In the Forest, ThunderClan lived in the White Hart Woods. Their territory included Tallpines and Treecut Place, The Great Sycamore, The Owl Tree, Sunningrocks, Snakerocks, The Sandy Hollow, and parts of the Twolegplace. In the lake, the Hare Hill Woods. Their territory included the Greenleaf Twolegplace, an abandoned Twoleg Nest, the Sky Oak, an Old Thunderpath, The Clearing, and part of the Lake Shore.

ThunderClan has many rivalries with ShadowClan in particular, and these two Clans usually get into many border fights and skirmishes.

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