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Monday, November 07, 2011


In the 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall campaign, one of the most-effective and well-spoken of the 135 candidates running was Libertarian Ned Roscoe. Regardless of political affiliation, everyone liked Ned.

Well, almost everyone. At the same time Ned was running for office, he was making representations to Comerica Bank that were later found wanting.

And now, despite our letters of support, hard time in a Federal prison is almost here:
This week, I expect to see a "Probation Sentencing Report" from Mr. Flores, my Probation officer. I expect it to recommend that I be sentenced to 14-17 years in prison based upon the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. In the federal system, prisoners serve 85% of the time sentenced. There's no parole in the federal system.

On December 14, I'm scheduled to be sentenced in San Jose in the Federal Court building.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons rules say that a prisoner ought to be assigned to a facility within 600 miles of home. The BOP determines where a prisoner serves.

On December 14, I'll have an opportunity, if that date holds, to speak in what's called an "Allocution" before sentencing. Also, victims, which I think means just Comerica Bank, will have an opportunity to speak. Then, the judge will decide on a sentence. I expect to receive 15 years.

Frankly, those letters you all wrote haven't factored into the equation at all. Yet, I hope. I have mentioned them a time or two or three or four. Or more.

I think I've told you that I'm represented by Vicki Young, the former Federal Defender in this district. She's on the board of the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys. She's very well respected. My case was the first trial she's had in 10 years.

On Saturday, I was on Mt. Tamalpais, hiking. On Sunday, we went to church and I sat between two young, high-energy twins who started off whapping each other with fans while their grandmother sang in the choir. My dog is still friendly and the cats are still fat. Family is fine. What I really think is ... that if you want to know more, you'll ask me.


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