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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Saturday Night With Underbelly

On Saturday night, after returning from Lydia's cabaret, I sat down in front of the TV and started channel surfing. If you patiently channel surf enough, you'll eventually see everything.

I stumbled across an excellent Australian made-for-TV movie: "Underbelly Files: Tell Them Lucifer Was Here". Apparently "Underbelly" is a popular, successful, and long-running TV series Down Under.

Dark doings in Melbourne! But what caught my attention was how "Underbelly" seemed to borrow from "Breaking Bad". Or perhaps "Breaking Bad" borrows from "Underbelly". Or perhaps all crime TV shows worldwide these days freely borrow and steal from each other. (How would I know, since I don't watch much TV?) Wherever they come from, good ideas spread like wildfires.

In any event, I particularly liked seeing the time lapse segments of Melbourne that mirrored Albuquerque time lapse segments in "Breaking Bad".

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