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Monday, October 17, 2011

E. Brawls In A Bar

E.: MMMMMMAAAAARRRRCCCC! Look under my lip! Do you see the cuts?

M.: It looks like there are some cuts there!

E.: Do you see the bloody vein in the corner of my eye? And the cuts on my face?

M.: Yeah. What happened to you?

E.: This woman hit me in the face! When I went to the bathroom!

M.: How did that happen?

E.: This dumb, ugly woman has been trying to get me to talk to her for a long time, but I don't want to talk to her. Why should I talk to her? No one likes her. She's dumb and ugly. So, she told me 'you are a very rude person; you are a dumb, stupid a**hole!' So I told her 'A**hole? You don't know a**hole! I'm going to ignore you like an animal!'

M.: That sounds bad.

E.: I know! So, anyway, I went to the bathroom, and she came in, and she looked in the stalls to see if anyone was there. That's where the evilness was; she planned it! Then she came up to me, called me stupid and a very rude person, and punched me in the mouth. I think she had some rings on, because I got cut. Then I grabbed her wrist and stopped her from punching me again. She started screaming: 'You're hurting me! Let me go! Let me go!" Then I said "I don't want you punching me again!" Then she ran out.

M.: What happened after that?

E.: There was a commotion. C. wanted to call the cops, but the club manager didn't want to, because maybe they might shut down his club. The manager is supposed to call me this week. Maybe they can ban her from the club for sixty days. But she's going to tell lies about me. MMMMAAAARRRRCCCC! I only used the bad language because she used the bad language first! Maybe she'll say I hit her. I want her banned!

M.: Because she's dumb and ugly!

E.: Because she's dumb and ugly! And she's a very rude person!

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