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Monday, October 31, 2011

Don't Leave Home Without It

Walking towards Sutter Street Theatre on Saturday night to see "Evil Dead - The Musical", I stumbled across two cards on the sidewalk of Sutter Street. One was a room key card to the Courtyard Marriott, wherever that might be, and the other was an American Express card.

Picking up and looking at the photo on the back of the Amex card, I thought I recognized the fellow. I had just passed a fellow on the sidewalk who looked like him. He was dressed kinda-sorta like Dracula, and he was holding hands with a woman all in black, except for a white cap: as if Bride of Frankenstein was an airline hostess. But I wasn't able to locate the couple, so I continued with my plan to see the show.

I showed my find to Brittany B., who was seated in the audience. "Guess we know who's buying drinks!" she gamely replied.

After the show, and after getting directions from the theater staff, I tried to find the Courtyard Marriott. Even though, to me, the geography of Folsom "is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma", I succeeded in locating the hotel. Alas, the room key was demagnetized, so there was no lead there. The desk clerk asked: "What did the fellow look like? Did he look like that gentleman there?" He pointed at a Bavarian wood sprite entering the lobby of the hotel. Alas, no lederhosen angle here!

After returning home, I contacted American Express. They deactivated the card immediately and instructed me to destroy it.

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