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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Watching The GOP Debate With E.

E.: MMMMMAAAAARRRRRCCCC! That woman (Michelle Bachmann) is right! They shouldn't inject girls with vaccines without their parents' permission!

M.: Well, I think it depends. You want public health doctors to have enough power to inject people, even against their will, if there was some kind of plague. And you want the option to refuse injections if the illness just isn't bad enough, like maybe the flu. I don't know enough about this cervical cancer to say, however.

E.: Over at the school it is so frustrating! Today was the deadline for the TDAP vaccines. Everyone has to be covered starting tomorrow, but I've been calling and calling and calling the parents, and so many don't even speak English and they don't return my calls and the kids aren't getting vaccinated and I don't get enough help from anybody and now the deadline is here!

M.: That sounds terrible!

E.: It's terrible! They are going to blame me, but I've been trying and trying and trying! But if I lose my job, at least I can get some Social Security income.

M.: Not if these candidates have anything to say about it. They all hate Social Security, and want to get rid of it.

E.: That's terrible!

M.: I know, that's terrible!

E.: MMMMMAAAARRRRCCCC! What am I going to do?

M.: We've never registered you to vote, have we?

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