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Friday, September 23, 2011

Club Zumba, On Wednesdays!

The Wednesday night aerobics class at Pepper Von's Step One has been undergoing some changes of late.

At first, the changes were small. Sometimes the Wednesday night class is the testing ground for experiments, so I wasn't surprised that he announced that the class was going to become a Zumba class, a format he had experimented with before. Then he introduced a number of new participants originally from a health club in Natomas, and I figured these new folks were there to actually take over the class, but for now Pepper still taught the Zumbafied class. Then, first one percussionist was brought in, then a second percussionist, making for thunderous Africanized fun on Wednesday night. But little did I know that bigger changes were afoot.

On Wednesday evening, when I arrived at the lobby of the health club, I quickly glanced at the television monitor of the class, and my attention was arrested. The TV screen showed a platform at the front of the darkened class, but with extra illumination provided by flashing disco-style lights. Mary saw my arrested gaze, and said: "He's completely lost his mind, of course, but he said he wanted a club atmosphere, and that's exactly what he's got!"

Indeed! Flashing lights, loud sound system, two louder percussionists, a room packed with happy people, with Pepper leading the way on the platform. What more could anyone want for an aerobics class?

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