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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bad Judgments

J.S. writes:
Rick Santorum is up in arms about a web site that seeks to redefine "santorum". Having visited the site, I think that he has a valid complaint, but all he's done is to draw attention to it. (On the other hand, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy!)
Isn’t this is Dan Savage’s effort from like the mid 00’s? It’s a fiendishly-clever campaign, and totally successful in every respect. Rick Santorum can join Thomas Crapper in that elite group of people whose name has been attached to things they might not like. But it only works with people with uncommon names, and things that aren’t otherwise defined. It very nearly happened with the noun ‘Lewinsky’ in the late 90’s, but in that case there was already an adequate nomenclature and the name was just a bit too common. Still, it was close.

It just goes to show that you shouldn’t strive to seriously anger the gay community, because you will pay, and pay, and pay for your bad judgment.

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