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Monday, August 15, 2011

So, How Are "Our" People Doing?

Joe The Plumber called and asked: "Would you like to see how our people are doing?"

I was bewildered. Whom might "our" people be?

He replied: "Our Native American brothers, of course!"

Well, the blood connection is pretty darn tenuous with me. Hundreds of years ago, in fact. But one must keep one's family connections strong! So, off we went to the 17th Annual Sacramento Pow Wow, where dancers baked on the field in their heavy (but colorful) garb on Sunday afternoon down on O'Neill Field near 5th & Broadway, and also competed for prizes.

This is part of a procession in honor of Sun Dancers injured in a recent Montana automobile accident.

The junior level dances.

Performing under the gaze of a judge.

The teen girls dance.

Dancing in a more-traditional manner.

The teen boys dance.

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