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Thursday, August 04, 2011

Shopping Cart

I drove into the left-turn lane on Fruitridge, intending to turn left onto Franklin Blvd. Just then, I noticed the Homeless Lady and her shopping cart. Somehow, it had toppled off the sidewalk, dumping all her worldly goods into the gutter on Fruitridge. She was struggling with putting the shopping cart back onto the sidewalk, and retrieving her possessions.

It's a rather long light there at that intersection, so I had a long time with which to watch the Homeless Lady. She could see me watching her, so she looked back at me. So I looked back at her. I wanted to help, but I could scarcely leave the vehicle sitting there in the left turn lane. So I watched her as she watched me and struggled with the shopping cart.

Longest red light in the world.

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