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Monday, August 01, 2011

The Perfect Combination Of Stupid And Evil

Like Atrios says, this debt ceiling deal is "the perfect combination of stupid and evil." Obama is the Republicans' bitch now. No guts; no glory.

Unfortunately, this complete cave was evident many months ago. The Republicans instinctively understood that they could press as hard as they could without any significant consequences. For them, anyway. And they'll do it again, too, on whatever next big issue comes up. Because, it works! And they'll get away with it then too, because no one stops them.

Unfortunately, these cuts will be so large that there will be noticeable consequences from them. The economy will take a massive hit. It'll be a replay of 1937 all over again. And completely unnecessary too.

We live in an evil world led by cowards and knaves. Liberals need to be aware!

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