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Monday, August 08, 2011

More Tree-Limb Thrashing This Weekend

I was up in the canopy again on Saturday, trying to teach the Oak Tree to stop it with its non-stop growth. (The tree doesn't listen.) I was also busting old broken limbs off the tree.

At one point, a big, dead limb broke off as I tugged at it with my pruning hook, and the limb, hook, and an entire assemblage of leafy debris came crashing down towards the ladder summit, where I was perilously balanced. I reached out with my powerful right arm, caught the pruning hook, deflected the assemblage from my head, and saved the day. I felt like some kind of cross between Rocky and Sweeney Todd ("At last, my arm is complete again!")

I avoided electrical contacts too. Two weekends ago, I caught the electrical cord in the lawnmower, instantly stopping the lawnmower in a shower of sparks. Satisfying from a special effects point of view, but that's all.

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