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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kelsey B's Interview In Arizona Dance Magazine

I like this interview, particularly:
Q.: Do you think the direction the music industry is headed compliments your musical style?

A.: It's the perfect time for Kelsey B.! My style is electro pop with gypsy euro cabaret flair. Beauty Queen was a club treasure, and secretly dark. I speak the truth in my lyrics, so much so, that a few of my future releases frighten me. I almost cried in an interview talking about “See You Go” because its too painful, personally.

... Q.: I've seen in earlier interviews with you that you participated in a lot of theater and dance groups as a youth. Do you think those years helped or hindered your jump into the actual Music Industry as an adult?

A: I would be nothing without my training. It was the work that made me. My years in musical theater as a child and touring with Ghost Road Theatre in college gave me depth. At an early age I understood the stage gave me purpose; gave me life. I think the discipline I learned in theater and dance allows me to remain grounded and calm. I'm a performer, that's why I'm here. The challenges of the industry are manageable because of the lessons I learned as a child in similar industries.

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