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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

'Happy Feet' To Return Home

Andrew in Christchurch sends this sweet story.

Godspeed, 'Happy Feet'!:
The emperor penguin who became world famous when he washed up on a Kapiti Coast beach in June will have his last hurrah this weekend.

Happy Feet will be shipped out to sea on Niwa's research vessel Tangaroa on August 29.

The penguin, who has lived at Wellington Zoo since he was found on Peka Peka beach, would be released in the Southern Ocean four days into the ship's month-long trip to the Campbell Islands, 700km south of New Zealand.

On Sunday, Wellington Zoo is hosting a "Haere Ra Happy Feet'' day where visitors have the chance to sign a farewell card and are encouraged to dress up in black and white.

At 3pm Happy Feet will go under anaesthetic for the final time so a GPS tracking device can be attached to him.

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