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Tuesday, August 02, 2011


Left: Piggy banks for sale at the Pavilions branch of Borders Book Store.

Even though I have more books to read than I know what to do with, the closing of Borders presents a unique opportunity. So, off to the book store!

Titles purchased tonight:

  • "Diaghilev - A Life": Sjeng Scheijen
  • "The Oxford Book Of Modern Science Writing": Richard Dawkins
  • "Do Sparrows Like Bach? The Strange And Wonderful Things That Are Discovered When Scientists Break Free": The Editors of New Scientist
  • "The Wind Doesn't Need A Passport. Stories From The U.S.-Mexico Borderlands": Tyche Hendricks
  • "Field Guide To California Agriculture": Paul Starrs and Peter Goin
  • "Field Guide To Marine Mammals Of The Pacific Coast": Sarah Allen, Joe Mortenson, and Sophie Webb

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